I love situations like this, where the Lord reveals Himself to me, so much. When I am able to see things so clearly. By His Grace, I have felt so good lately...better, healed and at peace. I have always had a comfort in his perfect plan, but lately - I am comforted by it! Having amazing friends, my family, MOPS, my current Bible Study group, the gospel class I am in, this weekend away....I am so blessed to be able to surround myself with all of this. The biggest thing I took away from this weekend- was..that everyday we are writing our own story- and I know, I want mine to be that I glorified God. And to try to not live in fear (this one I have been working on for awhile!)
My big prayer...was for Chandler. For those of you who know what we have been going through. I decided to back burner our decision - and pray over it this weekend. Chad and I talked tonight- with the help of my older sister (thank you sis!) and we made our decision. Please keep Chandler and us in your prayers- for the days ahead...most of all this week.
Love, ~melissa