Monday, October 13

Our boys...

Our boys, I couldn't be more proud...I couldn't. They have really been my joy. They are both growing up so fast. With Life and all its crazy happenings, Chad and I thank the Lord daily for them and this amazing full life we have. It seems like everyday they are teaching me things!

Chandler has his first tennis match tomorrow, he will be so nervous I am sure, but I am also sure he will do great! He has just started DI, Destination Imagination...Its a huge commitment, but something he has always wanted to do. He was asked to be on the 6th grade time, wish is such an accomplishment. He is busy with Scouts, its very busy this year, Tammie has been such a help with that...He is also on the worship team at school. They sing in the school masses, he misses his time with his Faith Buddy, but would prefer to sing, he really enjoys it. Baseball has just ended, Chandler had his best season ever in the outfield on 3rd. He is really growing up....starting to really realize what life is all about.

Brayden is still in gymnastics and going to school twice a week, and lots of playdates in between. fully Potty problems in a week and doing great! He is about to start karate. He thinks he is already a Karate Master. He is starting to build & invent things, and watch science shows like big brother....he knows his shapes, colors, and some letters. He has such a fun spirit- that bring alot of laughter into our home!

How did we get so lucky!~Love, Melissa