We had an eventful Christmas Morning! I had a couple of different phases planned... Here is a picture of the boys, opening their stockings.
I was cracking up at Bray- he was SO EXCITED,
that he got a pack of gum!
Here are the Tshirts the boys got with their Wii Rock Band.
When Chandler was a baby...we would put him on the couch with all his gifts and take a picture. It was so cute to see tiny him and his glowing face with all his gifts. So, we did that this year, with them both.
Next, I had a Scavenger Hunt planned! The clues kept the boys running all around the house...the last one was the garage-
and here is what they found.......
Now...here is the last phase of my Christmas plan. After we were all packed for our vacation to leave to go on our trip to visit family...
we sat them on the bed for our last gift!
Pillows!! Not just any pillows...they have their name on the front...and on the back...
1. a piece of their onesie they both wore home from the hospital when they were born
2. a piece of their baby bedding on their cribs
3. a piece of chandlers childhood pillowcase he took everywhere and a piece of braydens night night blanket
4. an embroidered quote- that they both say.."I love you to the moon and back" (chandler) - "I cant know how to love you anymore" (brayden)
5. last a pocket- for notes- off my mothers jean jacket, that she wore all the time.
When I went to give it to them, I couldnt even explain the meaning of it all. Chad was videotaping and I was balling
..as you can see, Chandler was too.
We couldn't let it end on a sappy sad note...Inside the pocket was a disney ornament....and written on it was
We will be counting down the days, until we leave, we cant wait!
I look at this day, this week, this past year, ...my life. I tear with Joy. Today is the day Christ was born..and i cannot believe how much God has blessed us when we are unworthy. I am so grateful everything, big and small. But most of all for Him, for His presence in our lives.
I hope you all had a wonderful day. love, melissa