Sunday, May 8

Mothers Day

Mothers Day was a busy day for us.
The day started with presents from the boys in bed (a spa day & a plant) breakfast, my dad left to head home, Church, a Lacrosse game (Chandler was the goalie the entire game, played awesome & they won) and Lunch/Dinner at the Melting Pot (my favorite)!

It was a nice day with my me, that is the best, a gift in itself.

I will say for some reason, I missed my mom more this year, then last. I think its because I feel so content with my life and who I am, settled, and I wish I had her here for that. I wish I could pick up the phone and call her. I miss my mom, the boys grandma & my friend. Happy Mothers Day Mom. 

I love you boys...thank you for my special day.
Sometimes I find myself in tears, thanking God for you,
My Blessings.