Saturday, September 24

Awakening Festival w/ Toby Mac

Bray said "look mom, i get to paint on a wall!"

 brayden was very excited to get his hair painted
punk rock green...

Friday, September 23

Happy Birthday Felicia!

happy birthday sweet friend! love ya.

Tuesday, September 20

Happy Bday Patrick!

Laura and I took Patrick to play....He was so happy!

we had to give him gifts, of course!

later, their car broke i ran them
pizza and cupcakes...
so patrick had a little bday party in a parking lot!

we love you sweet boy!

Friday, September 16

Brothers Day

For the past couple of years, we have celebrated
Brothers Day!!

On Brothers Day, the boys exchange gifts.
Gifts they picked out and paid for, all by themselves!

One reason why we started this family holiday...
is for my boys to cherish eachother, as we cherish them.
I pray they remember days like this, the excitement, the intent, the bond, the feeling of giving and most of all, the love.

happy brothers day 2011, we love you!

hard happening at chads work

Sunday night/early Monday morning, a tragedy happened at chads work. We drove there having no idea what we were about to encounter. We prayed prior to leaving and most of the way there. We arrived and had to deal with a situation, we never thought we would have to see or deal with. But with Gods Grace, we did.

This period is very tough. We are both feeling a huge range of emotions. But this is a period in the path the Lord has planned for us, that we are sure of.

Huge thank you to our friends and family. We love you all and are SO grateful for who you are and what you are to us, in our life and in Christ. Thank you for giving me time to get back to my normal self and treating me with kindness & sensitivity (i knew you would) Most of all, love to are who I called, leaned on and your constant encouragement and listening ear, in the midst of your busy life- helped me through.  

Here is a picture of the roses from my amazing husband, in attempt to make me smile- mission accomplished.

Thank you Chad for who you are. Thank you for my flowers and your unending love. I hurt to see you hurt. I cry thinking of the pain in your eyes, while driving at 1am - the same pain I saw a year ago. I wish I could shield you and our boys from pain. But, I know difficulties is what has made as strong and solid, and focused on Christ. and the ultimate pain, is never ours- it was Jesus's, for us. So, in the midst of all this, I thank the Lord for you and our life. Love you.

Tuesday, September 13

Monday, September 5

Braydens First Day of Kindergarten

They day is here. Our youngest, our baby is starting Kindergarten. Look at him, so excited....

Chandler went to school late, so he could be there to drop off his little brother, on his first day.

Brayden and Daddy....
A happy day for him, a sad day for us!

Brayden giving his emotional Mommy a kiss...

Brayden saying "lets go mommy, I am ready!"
Can we not, Mommy's not ready!

We love you bray bray. I am going to miss our fun days together. I can't wait to hear about your days in school.
You are such a sweet young boy, you are a bright spot to all of us. Enjoy this time, learn alot and make us you already do. I love you so much.

ps, Mommy will try not to much!

so cute

brayden learned how to tie his HE had to teach ben, how to tie, of course!

Friday, September 2

Bray's LAST day home

Today was Brayden's last day home...
after today, he will be a full time student.

He wanted to go painting with mommy so thats what we did.
Lunch with daddy then painting! Fun.

Look at this adorable picture of my little man....

I am really going to miss having Brayden at home. We truly enjoy spending time together. His joy fuels my day.

I am so sad this chapter of my mommy
life is coming to an end.....
thought, at the same time, i feel so blessed that God wrote this chapter (and the next), in my life story.

Thursday, September 1

happy birthday Lisa!

we went to dinner and comedy night for Lisa's Birthday.

it was alot of fun, celebraing a special friend!

Brayden Orientation

Chad and I took Brayden to his Kindergarten orientation.
He was so cute... All the kids were playing around while Brayden was working on his "homework".

There are only 8 children in his class. 
I pray that it will be a good year for him.