Friday, September 16

hard happening at chads work

Sunday night/early Monday morning, a tragedy happened at chads work. We drove there having no idea what we were about to encounter. We prayed prior to leaving and most of the way there. We arrived and had to deal with a situation, we never thought we would have to see or deal with. But with Gods Grace, we did.

This period is very tough. We are both feeling a huge range of emotions. But this is a period in the path the Lord has planned for us, that we are sure of.

Huge thank you to our friends and family. We love you all and are SO grateful for who you are and what you are to us, in our life and in Christ. Thank you for giving me time to get back to my normal self and treating me with kindness & sensitivity (i knew you would) Most of all, love to are who I called, leaned on and your constant encouragement and listening ear, in the midst of your busy life- helped me through.  

Here is a picture of the roses from my amazing husband, in attempt to make me smile- mission accomplished.

Thank you Chad for who you are. Thank you for my flowers and your unending love. I hurt to see you hurt. I cry thinking of the pain in your eyes, while driving at 1am - the same pain I saw a year ago. I wish I could shield you and our boys from pain. But, I know difficulties is what has made as strong and solid, and focused on Christ. and the ultimate pain, is never ours- it was Jesus's, for us. So, in the midst of all this, I thank the Lord for you and our life. Love you.