people say all the time...
"before you know it, they are all grown up!"
this couldn't be more true.
look at him.....
you are a special boy. you mean so much to all of us.
you are so much like your dad, i could laugh (or cry) ecspecially with your corny jokes and sensitive heart.
you are brayden's hero. the way he looks up to you is astounding. you are his everything.
for me, you are my oldest, my first baby, to love. i love you unconditionally. your intelligence and cute smile, is overwhelming. i am so proud of you, your personal growth in this past year, amazes me. (keep it up!)
know your dad and i are always here for you. always loving you and molding you to be the man God created you to be.
happy 14th chandler.
People also say "cherish the moments, they grow up so fast"
I'd like to think I do, its one of the reason I do this blog & take so many pictures. Because, i want to cherish the moments & most of all-
Because I cherish my Boys
~Chad, Chandler & Brayden~
love, mom