Saturday, November 29

We spent our Thanksgiving in Massanutten. This was a picture I took
outside the lodge.Thought the rainbow was beautiful- God telling me
"rest, I have you"

We all had a really great time. Kinda, feels like we haven't stopped traveling since May of this year...but this was different. It was all about family, our family...time together. Normally we go to Ohio, this year, we needed time away.
Here we all are around the pond:

The boys and daddy:

The boys and mommy:

We stayed very busy! He are some pictures of just some of the things we did.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner in a restaraunt overlooking the waterpark. It was really nice! The food was great and the boys stayed busy watching the excitement below, knowing they had to act right to go there next!! It was really nice to all be together, in one place...thankful for what the Lord has done in our lives. Here we are:

I really missed my family in Ohio. This Holiday was very hard for me...Last year at this time, I was able to visit my mother- having no idea what the next year would hold, having no idea she would take her own life. Her death has truly grounded me. Not a day goes by I dont wonder, cry, ask questions...right now, I am concentrating on trying to get over the guilt and sadness. The great thing is, I consume my time more with what/people that matter.
Here is a photo of the boys riding a horse, they loved it:

While this past year and a half, has been very tough on me. I have had alot of joy and alot of comfort. I have been waiting for the Lord to take me off this "road" he has had me on, recently I realized my entire life has been the "road", the journey-lately has just been harder! I am lucky that the Lord cares about me so much to reveal himself to me in such ways.
I am so thankful, on this day and always:
To you CHAD, for being the person you are. The father, friend and husband- for loving us as you know how. Day by Day we both ask, are we doing this life stuff right? (w/our backgrounds) I would not want to go through this life, learning, going through my day by day, with anyone else. Thank you for all you do for us. I love you.

CHANDLER, wow, how you are growing! I am so thankful for you too...for your intelligence, wit,smile, talent, heart, knowledge of life and God. I am very very proud of you and the man that you are becoming. I love you bud.

BRAYDEN, my child full of energy!Wow, how you make me smile. I am so thankful for your expressions, happiness and kindness. You bring me such joy, you truly do! I love you pooh!

As the holiday comes to a close, I am so grateful for all of my blessings. I am so thankful to you Lord, please help me to remember daily, the Blessings you have given me, all year through.


Braydens Thanksgiving Feast

Tuesday was Brayden's Thanksgiving Feast at school. He had a 10:15 appointment at the hospital and the feast was at 11...So luckily daddy drove us (parking at the hospital is tough!) So we made it to the party- just in time- and we were all so glad we did- it was really special. We found out Bray has to have a minor surgery, I was kinda sad they were going to be putting my baby to sleep....But once I saw drumsticks on his head- I almost forgot all about it!

Brayden with his Thanksgiving Hat and Noodle necklace he made mommy (that I cant fit around my head!!)

Love, Melissa

I couldnt believe it.....

About a week ago, I went out with some friends to celebrate one of their birthdays.
We went to a couple of bars/restaraunts...we all had a really great time. We were
leaving one of the places- it was about 2am, there was about 6 of us...we were all
saying our goodbyes- I turned to walk to my car...and we caught a girl trying to break
into my new car! Can you believe that! Crazy...! We yelled and she went running!

Just thought I would share that crazy story with you!

Oh, two pics of the boys at my stepmoms cute!


Monday, November 17

A weekend away

We got to getaway this weekend to Baltimore....mainly to go to the Notre Dame game. We all had a really good time. The weekend was alot of fun....

And Yeah, Notre Dame won!
Brayden had his first chicken wing at Hard Rock Cafe in Baltimore (isn't that funny!)
and he loved them....I know somewhere he can get more!?!?!?!?

We went to the National Aquarium. We got to see Polar Express in 4D (that was awesome!) and a dolphin show.

Boys got to flipper floppers (as Bray would say...)

Rest and Relaxation with my favorite guys!
~Love you all,

Sunday, November 9

Tuesday, November 4

Happy Halloween from Pooh and Commando!

We had a really good time for Halloween...The boys enjoyed trick or treating in Ohio.

...with all of their cousins

The weather was perfect, the kids were great, we all had alot of fun! Plus, everyone in my sister's neighborhood gave out King Sized Candy! Yum!

Love you all,