Monday, May 31

Sunday, May 30

Hot Tub Moving Party

We got it moved!

The girls and I stayed up til 1am talking....we are excited to have many more nights hanging out on the deck!

playtime after church

Saturday, May 29

Dance Recital

We got to see MK's Recital....she was a dwarf in Snow White. She did a great job!

Here is a picture of her and I.
(she calls me her other mamma!)

Here and Her mommy, my dear friend!

and then me and my little man.....

Here is a sweet picture of Nick teaching his little brother how to ride a bike. To see the love from these 5 kids, is so special to us....

We all had a really nice day together...afterwards MK spent the night with us! We got to have some girl time!

Friday, May 28

Brays Last Day

Bray had his party for the last day of school. We had a really good time. Look at this Amazing Cake, his friends mom made:

Here is Bray and some of his best friends.

Here is Bray and His best Girlfriend, we stayed at the park all day because they werent ready to leave eachother! She is going to a different school next year...Bray cannot understand why. Next year with out her is going to be tough.
(I did his face painting, its a robot!)

Its moments like this I cherish, here is Bray saying a prayer before lunch. A big reason why a Christian preschool means so much to us......Even Robots Pray!

Bray and His teachers, that he adores! He had just received his certificate and bucket, full of lots of fun stuff!

Yipee, for summer!

Thursday, May 27


Chandler made it through his first over night camping trip! He rafted, played games, swam, made their own food and slept in a tent during a horrible storm!

We all really missed him, He is home now, safe and sound!

Tuesday, May 25

my boys are growing up...

i recently found a radio station that my mom would love! when i listen to it, i cant stop thinking about her.

the other day, there was a beautiful song about growing up, it made me cry....thinking of her, watching over me & chad seeing our growth, and our much they are growing- all of us in so many ways. wishing she was here, and knowing its okay that she isnt. just missing her. feeling so grateful for my life and my family.

then, last night chandler brought home his middle school yearbook. a couple of minutes later, during dinner, brayden jumped up to get his pre pre k yearbook that they made. both full of pictures of our beautiful boys- I LOST IT!

how could this be? my two boys, ending very important years- when i look back, this past year has been full of so much growth. that is good, but i want to keep them small. i love them so much and i thank God for them daily. my family is my joy- to have them, know them and love them- is my greatest blessing. so while i am full of happiness, i am sad- id like for them to slow down a bit!!! at least, i gave chad and the boys a good laugh at dinner while i was crying my eyes out!

the spaghetti dinner

later that night, rose and I drove to join our good friends the pahutas for a spaghetti dinner and auction.

here is patrick, eating his....isnt this adorable! I LOVE this picture. I could just kiss em!

and miss katharine, lost her FIRST tooth!

the other day laura told me that patrick needed a new of course, i had to go get him one. He was so excited while we opened it, jumping up and down!
Here he is...mowing at the church!

the girls recital

We made it to the girls recital. I was so glad we did! They did a great job....and looked so beautiful. I teared when they danced...we love them so much!



The Auction went really well. We had fun and I think it was a great success. Chandler did a great job performing. He sung and played guitar.

The best part for Chandler was that he (we $$) won the most sought after auction item (for the boys)....a lacrosse stick custom made and designed by one of the teachers. He stressed out over getting the last and highest bid, we did- and now he is focusing on how he wants it made/designed!

I am glad he won it, He has been working and playing hard!

Friday, May 21

Welcome Max!

I wanted to say Congratulations for the birth of Max, to our dear friends, Matt and Amee. We are so happy he is here. We cannot wait to love on we do the other two!

Love you all!

Wednesday, May 19

Pet Day at School....

This week has been nuts, babysitting, coordinating  Chandlers school auction, Chandler breaking his mouth brace (so many orthodontics appts), the rain, getting Dazy groomed, having a one year old (diapers again), Chad getting ready for a busy weekend, a good friend having the baby, both of the boys last basketball games, cracking my tooth.....I feel like all i am doing is driving, but I am having fun!

So, today was pet day for Brayden! Here is Dazy in her booster seat- running all those errands before her debut at school!

Here is Brays best girl friend at school...with her Bunny!

and here is Brayden...showing Dazy to his class- trying to get her to do tricks!

of course, we had to show them all her outfits and have a fashion show!


I kept my friend Amees Daughter this week...while she was on bed rest. So- I took her to have a playdate with my Godson, Patrick. They are 2 days apart, and looked so cute together! We had a good time....
(here she is playing piano, isnt she the cutest!)

This picture is funny...because I brought donuts over and the kids had had enough so we hid them. Next thing we knew, Patrick was really quiet and we found him in the this:

That's my boy!

Basketball Awards

Both of the boys just finished their basketball seasons.
The both did a great job and had alot of fun...I enjoyed watching Chad coach Chandler!!