Tuesday, January 20

Look what we did...

With the persuasion and advice from friends, we finally started RECYCLING! We had a really good time at the recycling center...Brayden had fun putting the items in the bin, while Chandler analyzed how the compactor worked....crazy what we will do to have a little fun!

We also went to the Bird store...they boys really wanted the bird feeder that Ben has...So $70.00 later- we now have 2 over our new breakfast table. Here the boys are patiently awaiting a feathered friend...


Saturday, January 17

Night out and Happy Birthday Lindsey!

We got to have another fun night out...Dinner, Movies and then to the restaurant. We all had a really good time! It was nice to hang out with Chad and Justin too! We got home late, but I still made it up the next morning to go scrap booking with friends...now I am home and exhausted!

~Love, Melissa

Tuesday, January 13

Shopping Day!

Got to have a day with Friends, having lunch and shopping at consignment shops!! It was alot of fun! Now, I cant wait to go back...it was an area/town I never knew about!

My Basketball program started- only 2 more months to go!! It all went really well. When I first started it Chad was the sponsor and there were 20 kids- now there is 6 sponsors and 100 kids!My brother is one to the coaches...he seemed to really like it! And I have an awesome Head Coach this year as well. The startup kept me busy, but now I am hoping, for the next two month that it sort of runs its self! It's also a great time for me to sell some of the spiritwear items for the school. I had alot of fun!

Had dinner at friends houses this week...and I didnt take any pictures, what is wrong with me. But one thing I do know, is I am so blessed with good friends- sometimes they are truly my lifeline! For them I am truly thankful- they teach me things everyday.

Love you all, Melissa

Friday, January 9

What we have been up to!

We have been very busy lately- trying to get alot of projects completed so we can slow down. Soon Chad will be home more- for the last 8 months- he has been working, to much, so we are excited to have him home more!

Here is the Bray with some friends, after we went out to dinner...they were playing and decided to rest IN the shelves- of course my camera was dead, but my girlfriend took this great picture.....

Here is me and some of my dearest friends...we got to get together the other night. It was really nice!These are 3 women I truly admire and respect...I am almost in awe of them- truly blessed to have them in my life.

Here are some pictures of the kids:

Here are some pictures of the boys and their cousins...having a good time playing.

(a ninja turtle, batman and a froggy with a pacifier)

Also, Bray just started an art class. I was sort of dreading it, b/c the class is on our 0nly rest day of the week...But alot of Brays friends are in the class, we carpool and
he really enjoyed it...and wow, look at his art!!

(the picture is 4 snowman, Me, Chad, Chandler then Bray...we had to redo Bray several times, because he HAD to be as big as Chandler!)

Have a good week, Love you all-

Saturday, January 3

Happy New Year!

We had a great time on New Years...almost to good of a time actually!

I cannot believe 2009 is here! I am so excited for the new year ahead....I learned so much in '08- I cannot wait to see what's in store for this year! One thing I am sure of, is how blessed we are, the Lord has been good to us- even when we thought things were bad, His Grace prevailed.

Love you all,

Our Trip to Ohio

It was so nice to have Chad with us on this trip! The long drive went by quickly for me...with Chad driving and the boys playing with all their Christmas gifts! We got in around 7- it was so nice to be there on Christmas...we got to see everything Santa brought the kids...including a trip to Disney! My dad and brother were there as well, so that was nice...we all exchanged gifts and stayed up late as usual.

I debated about blogging this...but on Saturday we buried my mom. But I love looking back at entries-history, memories. And it's a good thing!

She was cremated and there were a couple of issues so it was delayed....also, we all wanted to be there. I thought I was prepared for it..thinking it wasn't going to be a big deal. After we left the cemetery's office to handle the money part- we headed to the plot. There were 4 or 5 cars...as we drove, I was thinking wait a minute, its suppose to be simple and quick- I am in the car- a procession, about to bury my mom-it was real. I was so glad we were all there, including her best friend. Just before we got to the plot- my moms friend gave me this angel, I had just sent my mom 2 weeks before she died...it was something I really wanted after her death that her boyfriend kept from me- so needless to say, it meant alot to be holding it during her burial. One of her friends buried her with an angel she brought...I wanted to do that, but I couldn't let go of mine...Now I think I should have?

As we said the prayers and cried...Sean said it perfectly..."rest mom, now you are at peace, exactly what you wanted" That is what she wanted. The hardest part for me to deal with right now, is that she killed herself, was brain dead and we pulled the plug- my own mom, what guilt. But rest and peace is what she wanted...and she won- in a place much better then here!

Sean, Melynda and I after the burial. We love you Mom!

Afterwards we all got to go through a new box of keepsakes of moms that Peggy brought us. Lots of letters I wrote to her as a child..more photos. Every mothers day for the past 5 years-I would send her a book with a letter inside...I got all those back. Glad we have something, to have..to go through together.

Later that day, we got to go see the girls cheer lead- that was alot of fun. After was my families Christmas Party...and much more.

...and a HUGE Congrats to my cousin Jody, who is ENGAGED!

And to my Cousin Frank Congratulations on the birth of Sadie, isnt she cute...she looks just like Frank!

Also, another Congratulations to my cousin Tess (Franks Sister) who is pregnant!

So much to be Thankful for!

My Aunt Patty had a great idea...She had pics printed of my Grandfather playing Notre Dame basketball- the year he was captain. So everyone stood in line and got his autograph...it was the coolest thing! Chad and Chandler got one.

So at the party we normally have a gift exchange....everyone brought gifts- but they were for a surprise 50th for my aunt Eileen. The Theme was that she was our angel on Earth. Honestly, she really is...

We all got her a gift, with a letter stating why she is our angel in our lives..

First Melynda spoke...we got her Jewelry to put in the jewelry box we gave her that was my mothers. She was our ANGEL...she barely left our side, knowing our history with my mom- she talked to us, gave us strength- being a nurse, she cared for her...I will never forget when they moved my mom from ICU to a regular room, knowing it was for her to die...seeing my aunt take my moms gown of to bathe her, when she was in her last breaths she explained the process to us- guiding our fears...as soon as she died- she cleaned her up, took all her masks and tubes out- so they we could look at HER, the real her- I have no idea what we all would have done without her.
(in the pic, the kids came running, they hate to see Melynda cry...)

To my dad, she helped him when he was hospitalized with his heart condition- she dropped her life, her job, everything and came to PA to care for him- He also thanked her, with tears, on the day his children buried their mom...for that, for being with us, during that tough week.

My Uncle Tom thanked her for her care during his recent heart attack...He was so close to death, thank the Lord he is still here. My aunt Eileen cared for him days after being released from his triple bi pass- calmed my aunts fears...yet again an angel.

Here is my Uncle John, and Cousins John and Katie...this day was the 3 year anniversary of my Aunt Theresas Death. She died of cancer- right after Bray was born, she was my Godmother. My aunt Eileen cared for her, John and the kids, during her long battle with the disease. She died right after Christmas, while were all there- I was so blessed to have been able to say bye, the night before....and even more, for my Aunt Eileen. I cried, we all miss Theresa, and now I know how losing your Mother, feels...

What an amazing selfless angel my aunt Eileen is, we are all so blessed to have her. I just sit in awe, of how awesome my family is. Sean, Melynda and I dont know what we would have done without Eileen or my entire family that week- and always...we love you Aunt Eileen- Happy 50th Birthday!

So much going on - you almost feel like you are on a rollercoaster...But gosh am I blessed!

Love you all, Merry Christmas~Melissa

Friday, January 2


We had a really nice Christmas, we stayed very busy!! Chad worked Christmas Eve. So, when he was off we went to late night mass with our good friends. The kids we all so good. It was such an honor to be at the same Church at my god son was baptized in month prior and to be holding him in the same place for Christmas- I was so content. After we all went to the Pahutas, for dinner.
We had a good time...made some drinks I had never had, the dinner we had never had (it was SO good) - they got me a Pandora charm for my bracelet, something I will alway cherish. It was such a nice evening, I adore this family, love their friendship and think of the kids almost as my own..I admire them in so many ways, we are so lucky!...we didnt get home til about 1am, but what a great way to start our Christmas!

Isnt he the cutest...Chad and I just love him so much! We got him the cutest Santa outfit...This photo was just before I put it on, I couldnt resist!

Christmas morning, we got up at about 6am to start making breakfast. Grandma Gail, Grandma P and Grandpa Wood came over...we had to wake the boys up at around 8- they were so tired from the night before! The boys got alot of gifts...Brayden got lots of superhero costumes, Geotrax, starwars stuff- Chandler got Knex, motorized legos, weii outdoor challenge- together they both got guitar hero, a lego table...lots of stuff! They were both so excited!


So, after all the exctiement - we had about 2 hours to play with our toys...then we were off to Ohio!
Merry Christmas to you all. How blessed we are today and always.