Sunday, December 21

Busy Days...

Wed was Chandlers Christmas play. He did a great job. It was a beautiful. Brayden was home with the sitter, but I got to hold Patrick most of the ceremony!

After that, Chandler went home with my mother in law and Chad and I went to his party. We had a good time. We didnt get home til about 4am.

Then we had to be up by 6:30 am to have Chandler ready for a friend to pick him up for school. Next, we had to be at Brays school by 9am for his play...He was so cute! He barely moved, he looked shocked- afterwards he said he was looking for us. (we were in the balcony with a friend!) He was so adorable up on the stage with his bright red hair! His first play- time goes by so fast.

After that I ran all was the opening day of the spiritwear shop at our school- so I had to work...then I got to take one my closest friends daughters out for her bday- she is in Kindergarten. It was so nice to do girlie things with her (for a change!), we had a good time (i was drinking coffee's with extra shots the entire time!)
Next, I had to get to West Main for an ornament exchange I was throwing with some other friends! We all had a really good time.

Laura and I stayed for awhile after everyone left, talking...So finally- I made it home, about 11pm...but I was home- after two days!
I wish you all a Merry Christmas. I am so looking forward to 2009!

Our Homemade Tree

Here is a picture of the boys making Christmas cookies...we were so excited to use all of our Pampered Chef baking stuff (from Niki). They looked much better BEFORE we baked them. My dear Friend Caren, brought us over Christmas serving dishes as a gift- Just before we started was so perfect to have pretty dishes for our goodies!

The boys also decorated the trees for their own room..

This year we didn't help Brayden, it was funny to see the difference in both of their trees. Chandler got a Christmas blinking necklace that a friend gave me and used it as garland on his can kind of see the flashing lights on his- he was so proud of his "bright" idea. (hehehhe)

We Decided to make everything that went on our tree this year! Wow, was that a job!

It took us awhile to finish it, but we did....we made every ornament and strung every piece of popcorn. Love it, but I can't say we will do it again next year!

Here is a couple more photos....and who is that adorable baby under our tree?

We also made a tree out of magazines- that is something my mom would have me do when I was younger- it was alot of fun to do with Chandler this year.

Love you all, Merry Christmas~Melissa

Friday, December 12

Chandler Won!

Chandler won the Popcorn and Peanut sales for his entire pack. This is the 4th year he has won. Apparently this year, the 2nd place scout was close, so he will have to step it up next year!He won a bunch of prizes, but the best was a $100 gift card to Dick's and he got to throw a pie in his Den leaders face!

Tuesday, December 9

Happy Birthday Heather!

Happy Birthday to you girlie! I hope you know how much I love and adore you, you are such a dear friend....I am so lucky to have you. On this day and everyday, I wish you nothing but the best and all the happiness an amazing person like you deserves! I thank God for you - often!

Congratulations Lauren!

Congratulations to Lauren, Bob and Eveley....Caleb Robert Byrne was born last night. He was about 7 pounds and healthy! I cannot wait to meet him, Congrats!


some pics....

Here are a couple of pictures- I dont feel like I take any lately...all we do and I am not bringing my camera. Not me....I know! But here is a couple to share.

Here is a picture of the boys, watching Tom and Jerry with one of their cute.

Here is one of Brayden, Saying...Mom, why are Santa's socks so Big?

...and Here is Brayden having a serious talk with Santa at a Christmas party we were at, trying to explain what glow in the dark spy glasses are...Santa just couldnt understand, I dont think I do either!

Love you all, Melissa

Webelos Campout at our House!

We had Chandlers Scout Troop over to campout. The boys had a blast and learned alot.

They had to pack their own bags and gear, Chandler did his all by himself and did a great job. He even brought seasoning for his meal..."seasonal salt"- as he said.

They put up their own tent, built the fire and made their own Hobo meal (in the snow)

The best part was seeing Chad do out the campout stuff- its so not him. He had to leave a huge party at the restaraunt to make it, but it was well worth it! I see some camping in our future!

Love, Melissa

Saturday, November 29

We spent our Thanksgiving in Massanutten. This was a picture I took
outside the lodge.Thought the rainbow was beautiful- God telling me
"rest, I have you"

We all had a really great time. Kinda, feels like we haven't stopped traveling since May of this year...but this was different. It was all about family, our family...time together. Normally we go to Ohio, this year, we needed time away.
Here we all are around the pond:

The boys and daddy:

The boys and mommy:

We stayed very busy! He are some pictures of just some of the things we did.

We had our Thanksgiving dinner in a restaraunt overlooking the waterpark. It was really nice! The food was great and the boys stayed busy watching the excitement below, knowing they had to act right to go there next!! It was really nice to all be together, in one place...thankful for what the Lord has done in our lives. Here we are:

I really missed my family in Ohio. This Holiday was very hard for me...Last year at this time, I was able to visit my mother- having no idea what the next year would hold, having no idea she would take her own life. Her death has truly grounded me. Not a day goes by I dont wonder, cry, ask questions...right now, I am concentrating on trying to get over the guilt and sadness. The great thing is, I consume my time more with what/people that matter.
Here is a photo of the boys riding a horse, they loved it:

While this past year and a half, has been very tough on me. I have had alot of joy and alot of comfort. I have been waiting for the Lord to take me off this "road" he has had me on, recently I realized my entire life has been the "road", the journey-lately has just been harder! I am lucky that the Lord cares about me so much to reveal himself to me in such ways.
I am so thankful, on this day and always:
To you CHAD, for being the person you are. The father, friend and husband- for loving us as you know how. Day by Day we both ask, are we doing this life stuff right? (w/our backgrounds) I would not want to go through this life, learning, going through my day by day, with anyone else. Thank you for all you do for us. I love you.

CHANDLER, wow, how you are growing! I am so thankful for you too...for your intelligence, wit,smile, talent, heart, knowledge of life and God. I am very very proud of you and the man that you are becoming. I love you bud.

BRAYDEN, my child full of energy!Wow, how you make me smile. I am so thankful for your expressions, happiness and kindness. You bring me such joy, you truly do! I love you pooh!

As the holiday comes to a close, I am so grateful for all of my blessings. I am so thankful to you Lord, please help me to remember daily, the Blessings you have given me, all year through.


Braydens Thanksgiving Feast

Tuesday was Brayden's Thanksgiving Feast at school. He had a 10:15 appointment at the hospital and the feast was at 11...So luckily daddy drove us (parking at the hospital is tough!) So we made it to the party- just in time- and we were all so glad we did- it was really special. We found out Bray has to have a minor surgery, I was kinda sad they were going to be putting my baby to sleep....But once I saw drumsticks on his head- I almost forgot all about it!

Brayden with his Thanksgiving Hat and Noodle necklace he made mommy (that I cant fit around my head!!)

Love, Melissa

I couldnt believe it.....

About a week ago, I went out with some friends to celebrate one of their birthdays.
We went to a couple of bars/restaraunts...we all had a really great time. We were
leaving one of the places- it was about 2am, there was about 6 of us...we were all
saying our goodbyes- I turned to walk to my car...and we caught a girl trying to break
into my new car! Can you believe that! Crazy...! We yelled and she went running!

Just thought I would share that crazy story with you!

Oh, two pics of the boys at my stepmoms cute!


Monday, November 17

A weekend away

We got to getaway this weekend to Baltimore....mainly to go to the Notre Dame game. We all had a really good time. The weekend was alot of fun....

And Yeah, Notre Dame won!
Brayden had his first chicken wing at Hard Rock Cafe in Baltimore (isn't that funny!)
and he loved them....I know somewhere he can get more!?!?!?!?

We went to the National Aquarium. We got to see Polar Express in 4D (that was awesome!) and a dolphin show.

Boys got to flipper floppers (as Bray would say...)

Rest and Relaxation with my favorite guys!
~Love you all,