Sunday, June 19

Happy Father's Day to Chad

Good Morning Daddy....


The boys brought Chad breakfast in bed &
the picture we do every year for him.....

Its really cool to look back at each one & see how they have grown! the other cool thing is that they pick out their own outfit- this year Bray chose his WWC Baseball Tshirt &
Chandler chose his Lacrosse Jersey.
Here it is......... & Dazy made it in one too!

after, we all went to church. next,
we took chad to lunch in richmond.

here is a picture of chandler giving chad accessories for his new..........Tool chest!!
that was waiting for him in the hansens garage!

here is brayden giving chad a picture he made, so cute.

gotta have a family it is.

next, we took chad to a race track...
doesnt he look excited?

here is chandler....

picture of part of the track...

here is chad before his race...

little action shot....

we love you chad. thank you for who you amazing father & husband. you mean the world to us, today & always.

love you,